
How to deal with a Narcissist in my Workplace

  In a recent encounter with a workplace narcissist, I found myself navigating a maze of manipulations and self-centered theatrics. This individual was incessantly fixated on highlighting what others weren't doing, while painting themselves as the solitary hero, looking for recognition and deeply concerned about the organization's welfare. Their tactics were cunning, often dropping my name in conversations with co-workers to imply authority or influence, and orchestrating group meetings to ensure everyone heard their version of events. They sought alliances through manipulation, suggesting others would corroborate their claims. To address these challenges, we conducted thorough investigations into every allegation. The key was to interview each person privately with a witness present, stressing the importance of confidentiality. Despite our efforts, we couldn't substantiate their claims. We reinforced our policies and guidelines on reporting, particularly emphasizing the da...

How to deal with a Narcissist in my Workplace